Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog Day

Well it's Groundhog Day, again, and that must mean my life is all things Groundhog. Whether it be watching the movie almost everyday in the past few days, going to visit Woodstock, the place the movie was filmed for the second time, or winning a Groundhog Day trivia contest; I feel like Groundhog Day is becoming more and more like Christmas for me. There is a big build up until the actual day itself, with a party on the day of the best holiday. There was a button I received in Woodstock that said Celebrate Groundhog Month… and I am making it my duty to celebrate it all month long (maybe following MLK day, to Valentine’s Day, that time should be known as Groundhog Time).

The new part that I think adds to the meaning of Groundhog Day is making Groundhog Day resolutions. New Year’s resolutions have usually been broken by this point of the year and gives everyone a second chance to improve themselves and their lives. I have had a chance to reflect and will really aim to incorporate these ideas, plans, and find a way to live everyday more like Phil Connors did his last day. As the quote said I don’t want to be like the town drunks, stuck in the same place, where nothing I did ever mattered. Life is beautiful and exciting, and wasting even one day is one day too much. Make today the best day of your life, a cynical man stuck in his least favorite town on his least favorite day made it the best day of his life, and we can do the same! We might not get as many chances, which should motivate all of us that much more to live it to the fullest.

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